Hamwe East Africa Limited provides Agricultural information services in the form of Agriculture Advisory, Weather Data, Market Prices, among others.
Agriculture Advisory Services
Hamwe Provides Agriculture Advisory services through our USSD platform. A user is able to get best farming practices from the convenience of his phone, through a simple USSD session. Our USSD menu is available on UTL by dialling *180#. You will then be presented with a menu, with prompts to receive the desired information. The farmer is also able to receive SMS alerts via Hamwe’s subscription service, by sending a keyword to our shortcodes. The shortcodes are 5040 for Rwanda, 6040 for Uganda, and 192 for Burundi.
Weather Data
Hamwe has local partnerships which provide localized weather data. The data is split into the regions of the country: Central, East, West, North, South, and South-West. This is again available on our USSD menu, currently active on *180# on Uganda Telecom.
Market Prices
Hamwe East Africa Limited provides market prices for agricultural commodities through our USSD platform and SMS shortcodes. The USSD platform is currently available on *180# on UTL. The shortcodes are as stated above, and the format is <Price> <Commodity> <Shortcode>.